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App installing by keyword


eyword installation is mean, user will search your keyword in Google Play store. You need setting keyword and application name. Our Pjani app will detect or app is installed with keyword. And will be reworded just after app is installed.

Keyword installation is very good for ASO. Google will see, that users really happy with your app, because they installing directly from store. You need provide keyword one or two words. It’s depends in which listing place is your app. Your app must be in 100 places in listing. If it’s bellow user will not find your app.

For simple installs and keyword installs we have redemption options. It’s mean, you can choose how much days user must keep application in phone. without deleting it! It is cool? It’s mean user installing your app and keeping it for 7 days. Google really like it, because app stay in users phones for 7 days or even more!


Keyword installation is good for ASO

When it comes to ASO, there are a lot of Android Developers that fall behind in the game. However, if you are utilizing ASO to its maximum potential; it will bear fruits in your path to success. If you go on the App Store, and have a look at all the popular apps; you will notice one thing in common, it’s their utilization of the relevant keywords. You will notice, even their Application Title has some of the keywords incorporated in it. It is no doubt that they receive a good response from the community, but Google index rewards such optimized applications as well. If you go on the internet, it is most likely that you have come across the term SEO and how it can benefit the online business owners to gain a larger audience. Since the dawn of the internet, it is the most organic and viable method to reach out to bigger audience. Similarly, ASO works the same way. It is the process of the optimizing your application, that includes the Title, Description, and Developer Name; in such a way that it will show up in the search results. However, this doesn’t stop there; if you manage to satisfy your users and build a sufficient loyal user base, then it is going to be bear fruits in the long run.

If you are just an Android Developer, and marketing is not your strongest pursuit, then you don’t have to worry about a single thing because PJANI is here to provide you excellent services of Application Installation by Keyword. If you don’t know much about Pjani and how it works, then you don’t have to worry about a single thing because you have come to the right place. Pjani saves you the trouble of manually searching and putting the keywords in your Title and Description. Their system automatically goes through the list of all the relevant keywords and then implements those keywords in your Description and Title. For example, if you are running an application about ‘German Food’ then Pjani’s system will go through the keywords that are people searching to find the application, and then they will use those keywords and put them in the relevant places, so that your application can receive the maximum visibility on the Application Store. Pjani will experiment with the keywords and make sure that your application is showing up in the Top 100 list, otherwise, it is near impossible to find your application. Most users give up the search after that. This is why Pjani is best at what they do, you don’t have to worry about the ASO of your application and you can primarily focus on the Application Development and leave the rest to Pjani. If you want to learn more about Pjani and how they manage to provide such top-notch services to their wide array of customers then don’t forget to check out the official Pjani’s application.

High Redemtion
You can choose time, that user will not delete your app.

Best for aso

Keyword installation is most important thing in your ASO
Fast support

24/7 working support. If you have problems, we will solve it.


We are accepting all popular payments platforms.


Application have nice and smooth design and interesting concept.

Good price

We have really good prices for our services


Application is protected from hackers, so your points is save!

Big orders

We can provide and big orders, please contact before.

Did you know?

We are taking just small amount of money in order. For our support team, maintenance fees. All points going to users.

Don’t put same app for simple installs and keyword installs. Because if user have installed your app in phone, he can get reward and for second install.

Because we are offering real human traffic to your app, you can get real clients too. If your app is really good, some of users can leave your app in phone.

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